About Us

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David Magruder


 Exuberant and dedicated, Pastor David Magruder truly exemplifies 1 Thessalonians 2:20  "God is my glory and joy."  Before receiving God's call, he was active in the United Methodist Church, but after graduating from Virginia Tech followed a career in TV broadcasting, first in Lynchburg and then for WVEC-TV in Norfolk.  Reared in Williamsburg, David lived in various cities after he left broadcasting and worked in healthcare marketing and public relations.  Completing his Master's of Divinity at Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC, he served three other churches before being appointed to Zion UMC in Seaford.

Email: pastor@zionseaford.church

Email: davidmagruder@vaumc.org





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Sherry Wornom

Administrative Assistant

Sherry was born and raised in Seaford.  After graduating from York High School she earned an Associates Degree in Information Technologies from Thomas Nelson Community College. 

 She loves playing handbells with Zion’s bell choir at Zion and beyond.  Enjoys playing bunco and cards, hanging out with friends, going to the movies, and attending live concerts.

 “Music Can Change The World Because It Can Change The People”  Bono, U2.

Email: office@zionseaford.church

Email: sherryatzion@gmail.com




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Tara Thomas
